Trained police officers at CBI Academy today on combating cyber crimes against women and children! CBI Academy, Feb, 2020, Ghaziabad
Law enforcement training, Investigating Cybercrimes against women and children, NIPCCD,Ministry of Women and Child Welfare, CBI Academy, Ghaziabad, Feb 2020
Ethical data management practices, India Mobile Congress 2020, Jan 2020, Delhi
Curbing cybercrimes against Wildlife, Traffic post, 12 Sept 2019
Curbing Wildlife Cybercrime, The Traffic post, January, 2020
Information technology is mostly seen as a boon but can prove to be a bane as cyber criminals rampantly misuse the internet due to the anonymity inherent in it. One such crime growing at an alarming rate is wildlife trafficking on the internet. With the proliferation of B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to […]
Corona virus crisis & Frustration of contract/impossibility of performance, LinkedIn, 27th March, 2020
With the outbreak of pandemic of Corona virus, human life faces biowar crisis and businesses are adversely affected in an unprecedented manner. The lockdown imposed by the Government of India is in our best interests yet have disrupted the business contracts across all verticals. It is pertinent to elucidate if force majeure clauses can absolve […]
Live Phone in program on All India Radio on women and cybercrime, Delhi
वर्क फ्रॉम होम के ख़तरे: पिछले चार हफ्ते में 86 प्रतिशत बढ़ा साइबर क्राइम, कैसे बचें | March 2020
लॉकडाउन की वजह से ज़्यादातर लोगों को घर से काम करना पड़ रहा है. अभी के दौर में घर से काम करने वालों के लिए इंटरनेट ने बेहद अहम भूमिका निभाई है. हालांकि, इसकी वजह से अपराध की प्रकृति भी बदल गई है और डरावनी बात ये है कि गृह मंत्रालय के डेटा के मुताबिक […]
Corona Kavach: This app tells if you have crossed COVID-19 positive person, Business Today, 2 April 2020
Following the footsteps of Singapore and South Korea, India has launched its own contact tracking app, called Corona Kavach. The app tracks the data of the user every hour to alert them whether they have crossed paths with any person who tested positive for coronavirus. While this might be beneficial for the user, privacy activists […]
In one year alone, cyberbullying of Indian women and teenagers rose by 36% ,scroll.in, 16 March 2020
Around 9.2% of 630 adolescents surveyed in the Delhi-National Capital Region had experienced cyberbullying and half of them had not reported it to teachers, guardians or the social media companies concerned, a recent study by Child Rights and You, a non-governmental organisation, found. Vulnerability rose with internet use: 22.4% of respondents, aged 13-18 years, who […]