Authored a Chapter on Cyberlaws in India, Indian Law institute
Product Liability in the Asia-Pacific- Authored the India Chapter
Paper titled “Online Dispute Resolution”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in International Commercial Arbitration, Online Dispute Resolution, Construction Industry Arbitration Council, India Habitat Centre, Delhi, December 18-19 ,2010
Represented a known public figure in India in an online defamation action before Indian courts
Advised office of Controller of Certifying Authorities on introducing digital signatures for foreign nationals
Ms. Seth’s views were solicited by the Office of Controller of Certifying Authorities on introducing in India, digital signature certificates for foreign nationals.In a detailed White Paper the legal challenges while issuing digital signature certificates to foreign nationals were discussed. Pertinent issues relating to jurisdiction , enforceability, security and identity check and verification were dealt […]
Landmark ruling on 36 hour deadline for Internet service provider to remove illegal content by Delhi High Court
In a landmark order, the Hon’ble High court of Delhi in Nirmaljit Singh Narula vs Indijobs at & ors CS(OS) 871/2012 , granted ad interim (temporary) exparte injunction (restraint) order against defendants 1, Indijobs and defendant no. 2, Hubpages against publishing defamatory content about the plaintiff on its website. After hearing detailed arguments of […]
Kadambini Januray 2014
Hindustan Times
Couple wants to fight back, says lawyer – HindustanTimes
Watch that e motional trap